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Associate Assembly

The Associate Assembly of 2020 was cancelled because of COVID, so it was a great pleasure to gather on June 11th to visit, share and celebrate. About 50 Sisters and Associates gathered at St. Anne's Parish in Saskatoon. They came from Swift Current, Cabri, BalCarres, Lebret and the Saskatoon area. Sr. Dianne Sehn and Andy Praksas acted as emcees.

The first hour was devoted to registration and catching up, chatting with people we hadn't seen in person for a long time. This was followed by Mass, with Fr. Ken Beck presiding and Deacon David Hagel assisting. During the service, three new Associates made their commitment to the Ursuline Associates: Trina Ward, Marion Tremblay, and Leatta de Terraand. Three others who made their commitment on zoom last year, Agnes Gosselin, Fr. Ken Beck, Deacon David Hagel, came forward to renew their commitment with all of the Associates present. The Sisters then pledged their support to the Associates.

Over lunch, the hall buzzed with conversation until Blake Sittler, the speaker, arrived. The Year of the Family is drawing to a close and Blake talked about family, with a little bit of a then and now theme. He spoke about the challenges families face in today's tumultuous times and how children make their choices regardless how they were raised.

Sr. Felicitas Drobig then presented a short PowerPoint, comparing the turbulent times of St. Angela to today's times, and how Angela's writings are relevant for us to this day to give us hope and courage.

The day wound up with a delicious supper, and of course, more visiting. It was a pleasure to reconnect. Kudus to the Associates for a well-organized day.

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